What is SoCPC ?

The Sousse Collegiate Programming Contest (SoCPC) is a qualifying round for the ACM Tunisian Collegiate Programming Contest (TCPC). It is organized in the same spirit and is governed by all applicable rules of the ICPC.

Tools We Use

We usually use Codeforces website for training and locally organized contests every week.

Award Winning Event

Aside from getting qualified for the TCPC, being part of such a contest is quite valuable.

Join Organizers Family

If you are one of ACM lovers and want to give it a hand, you are joyfully welcomed to join our large family.

Our Sponsors


ENISo ACM Club did a great work in preparing students to compete in both regional and national ACM contests alongside with taking part in preparing the SoCPC.

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Prolem Solving

The ACM SoCPC provides college students with opportunities to interact with students from other universities and to sharpen and demonstrate their problem-solving skills.

Programming Skills

One of SoCPC basics is to test contestants' coding abilities and logical reasoning faculties.

Team Work

Teamwork is an important factor in the contest. In fact the team serves as a vehicle for cooperation, knowledge sharing, and contribution in order to achieve better results